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Project Proposal

     2020 has been one heck of a year! Who ever thought we'd be in a global pandemic and experience a toilet paper shortage. This pandemic has brought people to feel mentally and physically isolated. We suddenly have a new way of life; we are no longer able to do the simple things we used to do before. We are obliged to stay distant from each other and are waiting eagerly for this catastrophe to pass. It can be difficult, however, it's important for us to respect these guidelines so everyone stays safe and one day, we'll be able to go back to normal.



   For my final project, I decided to create a character with the use of makeup. I incorporated both glam and special effects makeup, my two favourite looks to create. Covid-19 is serious; it's important for us to be cautious. The character I created, Purella, helps fights germs and kills Covid-19 with the help of her toilet paper sidekick, Letty. Don't forget to wear your mask, or else they might come after you!


     During times like this, we can easily feel anxious and depressed. It's important to be aware of what's happening around us, while also remaining calm. For this reason, I chose to mainly use the colours green and orange. Green, symbolizing calmness, and orange, which represents our surroundings. I wanted my project to be playful while also being a reminder for everyone to continue to stay distant. 


Nov.6: Gather material
Nov.13-20: Practice makeup
Nov.27: Create sidekick
Dec.4: Film Project
Dec.6: Edit film
Dec.11: Present Project
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